We have all of our amazing logo designs posted in our logo portfolio as one color - so now you can see them in color! One of our greatest strengths is designing in one color (black). Applying a color palette to a logo is much easier if it was first designed in one color. This series is a timeline looking back at the brands we have designed over the last 14 years.
"Looking Back. Way back. Back to 2008 - My first logo. When we do a rebrand for a client, we always make sure they know what their original logo is because it will always be the throwback version. This is our throwback jersey logo now."
- Anna Smith
It is always interesting as designers to look back at what we have made in the past. Over the years we have learned that simplicity is best when it comes to branding and logo design. Color is a fun addition to your brand that brings personality and visual appeal, but it is essential that it works in one color first!
Looking for a beautiful logo for your brand? We can help.
Join our noteworthy Hibiscus clientele in Charlotte, Alabama, Hawaii, Ohio, Washington D.C., Sacramento and beyond. Complete our New Client Intake Form to get the branding process started.