KIA RebrandThe popular car company, KIA, has rebranded, replacing their dated red oval logo with something much more sleek, eye-catching, and...
A Legacy of Logo/Brand Designs - "Color Logo Series"We have all of our amazing logo designs posted in our logo portfolio as one color - so now you can see them in color! One of our greatest...
Teal Diva 5{k} is headed to CharlestonOn Saturday, September 30th in Wannamaker Park in Charleston, SC, we will help produce and brand Teal Diva's 3rd Annual 5K race. We are...
what would you do if you didn't have your phone?Are you still looking down? Your missing out on LIFE. On the micro moments that Google talks about. Yes you need your phone but what if...
57,330,035 views and you're still looking downIt's been 2 years and I still get teary eyed over this video. If people would just watch it - they can relate on some level. This is by...